What kind of diet is right for YOU?
Take our nutritionist-designed quiz to find out what type of diet is right for your body and weight loss goals.

Which of the following statements best describes your current heart health?

Do you currently have type II diabetes, or have you exhibited signs of pre-diabetes?

Are you opposed to eating animals, or animal products for any reason?

Do you experience gastrointestinal distress when consuming foods containing gluten?

How high on your priority list is burning fat fast?

Which of the following foods do you enjoy the most?

Where do you currently do the majority of your grocery shopping?

Which type of food would you most prefer to include in your diet?

There are many different types of Low Glycemic diet. It isn’t a specific strategy as much as a category of diets based on the same concept. ...Read More
Though there are many different versions of a gluten-free diet, the concept behind them is essentially to avoid ...Read More
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Review: Weight Loss for Busy Mortals
There are so many weight loss books that promise to provide all the information you need to shed those excess pounds that entire sections of online and brick and mortar bookstores have been dedicated to them. Weight Loss For Busy Mortals has had a solid presence on many of those shelves as well as in Kindle format.
Review: The Food Lover’s Diet
The Food Lover’s Diet is a weight loss program that was created by Fitness Magazine. It provides dieters with five different strategies that can be used to eat properly and increase the rate of weight loss.
Review: The No Diet Diet
As the name implies, the No Diet Diet, isn’t a diet in the traditional sense. In fact, the No Diet Diet does and does not refer to itself as a “diet.” It is typically considered to be more of a lifestyle than an actual specific program.
LipoNitro is a maximum-strength formula designed to help with weight management support. This dietary supplement was meticulously formulated by the weight management experts at Intechra Health to ensure that only the highest quality, scientifically-researched ingredients were used. It is manufactured and quality tested in the USA.
Review: APEX-TX5
APEX-TX5 is a non-prescription diet pill that you can purchase in the US. It is manufactured by an American company called Intechra Health Inc. and is sold as a white tablet with blue specks.
Review: The Sleeping Beauty Diet
The Sleeping Beauty Diet is a drastic fad diet that is more than a little bit risky to follow but that continues to come back into popularity every now and again after disappearing for some time. It becomes exceptionally popular for very brief bursts before disappearing into obscurity once more, giving people enough time to forget about it before it shows up again.