Review: Sadkhin Diet

Review: Sadkhin Diet

The Sadkhin Diet is a fad strategy that claims that it will help a dieter to be able to lose weight very quickly, but still safely. Instead of focusing on starving yourself, it uses acupressure to keep hunger to a minimum. In theory, this is supposed to help the dieter to be able to eat far less without having to feel as though they are starving. Furthermore, it also claims to help to cleanse the body while it synchronizes the operation of the organs.


Review: Get With the Program

Review: Get With the Program

Get With the Program: Getting Real About Your Health, Weight and Emotional Well-Being is a weight loss book that was authored by Bob Greene, who is an exercise physiologist and certified personal trainer. Green specializes in weight loss, fitness and metabolism.


Review: Friends with the Scale

Review: Friends with the Scale

Friends with the Scale: How to Turn Your Scale Into a Powerful Weight Loss Tool is a book available in both paperback and ebook format. It was written by Linda Spangle. The purpose of the book is to take the dread away from the bathroom scale and allow readers to discover how to use it as a tool for more effective weight loss.


Review: Angelina Jolie Diet

Review: Angelina Jolie Diet

The Angelina Jolie Diet is a type of strategy that many people consider to be rather odd and quite different from what other dieting programs recommend. Though few details are provided about what must specifically be done in order to lose weight, the primary recommendation is a focus on whole foods while avoiding sugar. Moreover, there is one strict regulation which states that meals must always be consumed while sitting down.


Review: The 5-Factor Diet

Review: The 5-Factor Diet

The 5-Factor diet is a type of lifestyle based weight loss strategy that works along with a book that was published by Harley Pasternak, a celebrity fitness trainer. It is a program that is designed to help dieters to overcome feelings of hunger and wanting to overeat, because it involves the consumption of five meals per day.


Review: Slimkids

Review: Slimkids

Obesity is a problem that is affecting not only adults, but also children, and this problem is rising at a startling rate. In order to help to counteract this troubling trend, there have been a number of efforts that are being made, some of which are official, from the government level, while others are being developed in the private sector, as is the case with the Slimkids weight loss program.
