What kind of diet is right for YOU?
Take our nutritionist-designed quiz to find out what type of diet is right for your body and weight loss goals.

Which of the following statements best describes your current heart health?

Do you currently have type II diabetes, or have you exhibited signs of pre-diabetes?

Are you opposed to eating animals, or animal products for any reason?

Do you experience gastrointestinal distress when consuming foods containing gluten?

How high on your priority list is burning fat fast?

Which of the following foods do you enjoy the most?

Where do you currently do the majority of your grocery shopping?

Which type of food would you most prefer to include in your diet?

There are many different types of Low Glycemic diet. It isn’t a specific strategy as much as a category of diets based on the same concept. ...Read More
Though there are many different versions of a gluten-free diet, the concept behind them is essentially to avoid ...Read More
Share your Results:
Review: DASH Diet
The DASH Diet is much more than a weight loss program. In fact, it is considered by many to be a heart-healthy diet that can help to lower blood pressure.
Review: Sadkhin Diet
The Sadkhin Diet is a fad strategy that claims that it will help a dieter to be able to lose weight very quickly, but still safely. Instead of focusing on starving yourself, it uses acupressure to keep hunger to a minimum.
Review: Gillian McKeith’s Food Bible
Gillian McKeith’s Food Bible is a book that was written by clinical nutritionist and television celebrity, Gillian McKeith. It is meant to be used as a food reference.
Review: Dorm Room Diet
The Dorm Room Diet is a program that was created to help to counteract the impact of the dreaded “freshman 15”, in which a freshman is likely to gain about fifteen pounds during that first year of college.
Review: Weight Loss Village Diet
The Weight Loss Village Diet is an online program that is run through a website – also known as an ediet.
Review: Get With the Program
Get With the Program: Getting Real About Your Health, Weight and Emotional Well-Being is a weight loss book that was authored by Bob Greene, who is an exercise physiologist and certified personal trainer. Green specializes in weight loss, fitness and metabolism.