What kind of diet is right for YOU?
Take our nutritionist-designed quiz to find out what type of diet is right for your body and weight loss goals.

Which of the following statements best describes your current heart health?

Do you currently have type II diabetes, or have you exhibited signs of pre-diabetes?

Are you opposed to eating animals, or animal products for any reason?

Do you experience gastrointestinal distress when consuming foods containing gluten?

How high on your priority list is burning fat fast?

Which of the following foods do you enjoy the most?

Where do you currently do the majority of your grocery shopping?

Which type of food would you most prefer to include in your diet?

There are many different types of Low Glycemic diet. It isn’t a specific strategy as much as a category of diets based on the same concept. ...Read More
Though there are many different versions of a gluten-free diet, the concept behind them is essentially to avoid ...Read More
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Review: Werewolf Diet
The Werewolf Diet is a fad diet that has become surprisingly popular over the last handful of years. Also known as the lunar diet, it has accumulated a bit of a celebrity following, which helps to explain why it has started taking off. Big names such as Madonna and Demi Moore have supposedly followed this diet.
PHENBLUE is an over the counter diet pill developed as a weight management tool with clinically researched ingredients. These ingredients help to support dieters throughout their healthy weight loss strategies, including following a calorie-reduced diet and fitness-appropriate exercise.
Review: The Obesity Code
The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss is a book written by Dr. Jason Fung. It is designed to help dieters to better understand their efforts toward weight management in order to improve their chances at successfully reaching their goals and stopping the weight from coming back.
Review: Slimming World Diet Program
The Slimming World Diet Program has taken off in popularity in the United Kingdom as the latest fad in weight loss.
Review: The Six Pack Diet Plan
The Six Pack Diet Plan is one of the most popular weight loss strategies of 2017 and it has been growing in the number of its followers over quite a while. The goal of the plan is to achieve those ever-so desirable six-pack abs, also known as washboard abs. For many people around the world, particularly men, achieving this body appearance is quite the status symbol.
Review: The Fast Metabolism Diet
The Fast Metabolism Diet: Eat More Food and Lose More Weight is a book written by Haylie Pomroy and Eve Adamson and that describes a weight loss strategy. This diet program is meant to help people to be able to shed the extra fat without having to suffer from constant hunger. In fact, it is designed to teach people to eat as much as they want in terms of quantity, without harming their weight management as they will be able to make smarter choices.