Low Carb Diets

by | Oct 6, 2020 | Low Carb Diets, Paleo Diets, Vegetarian/Vegan Diets | 0 comments

Review: DASH Diet

Review: DASH Diet

The DASH Diet is much more than a weight loss program. In fact, it is considered by many to be a heart-healthy diet that can help to lower blood pressure. This is worth knowing, because if you have been diagnosed with hypertension, that is, high blood pressure, then the odds are that your doctor has told you that you need to make some lifestyle changes to correct the issue, even if you’ve been given prescription medications to help to control or reduce the problem.

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Review: Gillian McKeith’s Food Bible

Review: Gillian McKeith’s Food Bible

Gillian McKeith’s Food Bible is a book that was written by clinical nutritionist and television celebrity, Gillian McKeith. It is meant to be used as a food reference. Gillian McKeith is the host of several BBC television shows. Among them, the largest and most famous has been “You Are What You Eat,” in which she assists obese individuals in identifying the foods and eating behaviors that are causing them to gain massive amounts of weight, and then guides them with healthier options. McKeith also wrote the 2-million copy internationally bestseller “You Are What You Eat.”

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Review: Dorm Room Diet

Review: Dorm Room Diet

The Dorm Room Diet is a program that was created to help to counteract the impact of the dreaded “freshman 15”, in which a freshman is likely to gain about fifteen pounds during that first year of college. This is typically the result of eating high fat and sugary foods (which are often served at college cafeterias), large portions, regularly drinking bear, from maintaining poor sleeping patterns, and from failing to exercise adequately.

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Review: Weight Loss Village Diet

Review: Weight Loss Village Diet

The Weight Loss Village Diet is an online program that is run through a website – also known as an ediet.

This diet program is geared toward providing dieters with all of the various elements that they need in order to ensure that they will be able to reach their weight loss goals.

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Review: Weight Loss for Busy Mortals

Review: Weight Loss for Busy Mortals

There are so many weight loss books that promise to provide all the information you need to shed those excess pounds that entire sections of online and brick and mortar bookstores have been dedicated to them. Weight Loss For Busy Mortals has had a solid presence on many of those shelves as well as in Kindle format. 

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