Review: The Hamptons Diet

by | Oct 19, 2022 | Low Carb Diets | 0 comments

The Hamptons Diet is the creation of Dr. Fred Pescatore. It involves the use of both a book and a cookbook in order to educate dieters in the ways that he feels are best for weight loss, as well as to give them a head start when it comes to selecting and preparing the right meals. Despite the fact that there is a website for the Hamptons Diet, there isn’t all that much information there in terms of description and details for the program. Instead, it is focused primarily on selling the book.

The book, itself, is 256 pages long and about half of them are recipes to help to support the program. In fact, the program, itself, is described in about 60 pages of the complete text. The diet appears to be a combination of the lessons that are learned through the Mediterranean Diet and the Atkins Diet. A number of reviews have said that this program is strikingly similar to the Atkins Diet as they are both primarily based on the reduction of carbs in order to eat properly.

The recipes and diet plans are either low or no sugar and do not include any processed ingredients or white refined foods such as white flour. This is to be expected from any low carb diet.

Other reviews from customers and professional reviewers, alike, have stated that the book for the Hamptons Diet is actually more of an ad for Macadamia Nut Oil as opposed to being a strategy for healthy weight loss. In fact, many reviewers have pointed out that not only the recipes, but the literature, itself, seems to be a none too subtle push for a specific brand of Macadamia Nut Oil, which is supposedly connected to the diet’s author.

At the time of this review, the brand in question, MacNut Oil, website was visited, as was the official website for the diet. The diet’s website had a link for purchase within its own store. The official MacNut Oil website, on the other hand, was selling exclusively products from Dr. Prescatore, aside from one line of supplements that was credited to Dr. Ohira.

Overall, while the diet appears to be an average one and doesn’t look like it is unhealthy in any specific way, the fact that there is only limited information provided within the book, and the text appears to be an ad for a product linked to the author, there are likely other diet programs that would be easier to recommend.


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