Review: The FODMAP Diet

by | Oct 26, 2022 | Disease Prevention Diets | 0 comments

The FODMAP Diet is an eating strategy that has found its way into the spotlight on the social media and blogging scene after having been the focus of numerous research studies. Lots of social influencers have been singing its praises.

What is The FODMAP Diet?

While this strategy isn’t entirely revolutionary and new, it is one that has been redesigned and repackaged in a unique way. If we were to believe everything the claims are saying about this diet, it would seem that it is the perfect option for everyone. But is that really true?

The best way to answer that question is to speak with a doctor. That way you can know for certain whether it would provide you with the type of nutrition and lifestyle you need to get the most out of your food and live healthfully. However, it is important to do your own research as well. Your health is, after all, your own responsibility.

Many people find that their digestive symptoms gradually and significantly improve when they are following a FODMAP Diet. The idea behind this diet is that it cuts out or at least avoids types of problem foods that may be causing the digestive struggles. These types of food are: Fermentable, Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols (which spell FODMAP).

The process for this diet is to gradually remove all these types of foods and then very slowly return them to the diet to help to identify the ones that are problem causers.

This diet has become quite popular in groups of people who suffer from certain types of digestive disorders. It has become particularly common among people with IBS as it has a very good reputation for easing symptoms of that syndrome.

That said, while it may work for people with certain specific types of digestive condition, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is appropriate for everyone. It doesn’t necessarily mean that following this elimination diet is potentially harmful to people who have not been diagnosed with a digestive struggle. However, every person has his or her nutrition needs so it’s important to make sure you know how to obtain yours before you simply dive into the FODMAP Diet head-first.

If you feel that you may have an intolerance to FODMAP foods – that is, grains, starches and sugars – it may be worthwhile discussing this strategy with your doctor. However, if you don’t suspect these foods at all, then going through this process of elimination and reintroduction may bring you no benefit at all.


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