Review: The Protein Express Diet

by | Oct 18, 2022 | Macronutrient Diets | 0 comments

The Protein Express Diet is a low carbohydrate and high protein diet plan. It is a diet book that focuses on providing dieters, who lead busy lifestyles and who are prone to choosing fast food or pre-made meals, with quick and easy food preparation solutions that will help them achieve rapid weight loss. The book contains tips and strategies that dieters can use on their own or they can apply them to other low carb and low fat diets.

What is The Protein Express Diet

This weight loss plan emphasizes adding protein to your diet to help you shed pounds and keep them off. Adding protein to your diet can boost lean muscle and promote weight loss. That said, the diet’s author recommends dieters substitute meals with supplements and protein shakes. While this may potentially result in weight loss, it would only be for the short-term. In other words, what is lost will come back. This diet is not ideal for anyone seeking weight management for the long-term.

The Protein Express Diet provides a 5-step plan for achieving rapid weight loss, instructions on how to make nutritious, easy and affordable high protein meals, and explains the roles of fat, carbohydrates, protein and the hormone insulin. In addition, the plan provides information about exercise. Furthermore, there is also a section regarding thermal weight loss techniques in terms of how exercising in cold temperatures can increase thermogenesis, which causes your core temperature to rise and can lead to more calorie and/or fat burning. Aside from this information, none of which is unique or revolutionary, no new dietary recommendations are provided.

There is no clinical proof that you will lose weight following this diet plan. There are no scientific studies or research associated with this diet that can serve as evidence that it is effective for weight loss. Furthermore, the individual who is behind this diet, M. R. Ford, is not a nutritional expert, dietician or doctor. Ford is just your average dieter who happened to lose weight over the years through trial and error. There is absolutely nothing ground breaking or even remarkable about this diet.

At the time of this review, the Protein Express Diet does not have an official website. The book “The Protein Express Diet: Rapid Weight Loss with a Simplified Low Carb, High Protein Diet” is sold for less than three dollars at reputable third party websites, such as Amazon. It has received mixed feedback from consumers and several negative customer reviews.


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