The Glycemic Index Diet isn’t a specific diet but a type of dieting based on the glycemic index. Some of the most common diets in this category include Nutrisystem, the Zone Diet, and Sugar Busters. The GI Diet is commonly recognized as the first form of dieting of this nature.
Glycemic Index Diet style dieting was created to assist people with diabetes to better keep their blood sugar levels under control. The idea is that when blood sugar is kept under control, it becomes easier for someone to lose excess weight as well. It is a form of low-carb dieting. It is somewhat complex in that it requires knowledge and use of the glycemic index.
What is the Glycemic Index
The Glycemic Index Diet is based on the index that rates foods based on the impact the food has on blood sugar. Those higher on the index will cause the blood sugar to rise faster. Foods high up on the list include cookies, cakes, white bread and white potatoes.
When people eat foods lower on the glycemic index, it promotes a steadier blood sugar rise that won’t suddenly crash. These are often foods high in fiber, which also come with the benefit of maintaining a feeling of fullness. This way, there are fewer food cravings and hunger is satisfied for a longer period of time.
Does the Glycemic Index Diet Work?
Adhering to the Glycemic Index Diet can help to prevent certain conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. That said, it isn’t typically consistently effective as a weight loss diet. Moreover, even when it does help a dieter to lose weight, it doesn’t do so any faster or easier than a low-carb, calorie controlled or overall healthy diet.
Studies showing that a Glycemic Index Diet leads to weight loss or causes more weight loss than a high-glycemic diet have been considered inconsistent at best.
What Does the Glycemic Index Diet Let You Eat?
Foods you can eat while following a Glycemic Index Diet depend on their score on the glycemic index. Examples of high G.I. foods are those with a score of 70 or higher. They include white bread, white bagels, white pasta, baked potatoes, crackers, beverages sweetened with sugar, white rice, and pretzels.
Medium G.I. foods have a score of 56 to 69. They include whole wheat pasta, grapes, raisins, corn, ice cream. Low G.I. foods have a score of 55 or lower. Examples of these foods include carrots, kidney beans, hummus, oatmeal, peas, peanuts, skim milk and the majority of fruits (with a few exceptions such as those listed in the other categories or watermelon).