Review: Dr. Gundry’s Diet Evolution

by | Oct 24, 2022 | Disease Prevention Diets | 0 comments

Dr. Gundry’s Diet Evolution is a weight loss book that was authored by Dr. Steven R. Gundry, M.D., a Yale University graduate, as well as a graduate of the Georgia Alpha Omega Alpha Medical College. His residencies were completed at the University of Michigan in Thoracic and General Surgeries and then moved on to the National Institutes of Health, where he worked as a clinical associate.

What is Dr. Gundry’s Diet Evolution?

It was there that he developed a new device that could stop cellular death that occurs at the time of an acute heart attack. There have now been several alterations to the device, which is called the Gundry Retrograde Cardioplegia Cannula. That device is used around the world in order to prevent and minimize damage that can occur to the heart while undergoing an open heart surgery.

After a vast number of other important and notable medical achievements, Dr. Gundry changed gears for his career in 2001 after having heard of a patient who had been called “inoperable” who fully recovered from coronary artery disease by changing their eating habits and using nutraceutical supplements.

The “Diet Evolution” book by Dr. Gundry was the result of his first efforts within this industry, following his own struggles with weight loss, as well. He came up with the idea of this diet by drawing various concepts from his Yale thesis. Using the techniques that he described, he was able to lose 70 pounds.

He then went on to encourage a number of his own staff members to use the techniques and they also saw impressive outcomes. The Jillian Michaels Wellness Team now includes Dr. Gundry, who currently writes her site’s online blogs.

The extensive medical background of Dr. Gundry has given his book a great deal of credibility. Among the primary disadvantages associated with it is not actually the diet it recommends but is instead the sizeable price tag for which the text is typically sold. Furthermore, at the time that this review was written, the product was considered stand-alone, as there had not been an online resource developed in order to replace or even support what the book has to offer.

The recommendations within the Diet Evolution have received high praise among customers who have purchased it online and people have been able to achieve positive results. Though it is also supposed to help a dieter to learn how to keep the weight from returning, no data could be found to indicate whether or not it has been successful at that goal.


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