Oct 27, 2022 | Macronutrient Diets
The Slimming World Diet Program has taken off in popularity in the United Kingdom as the latest fad in weight loss. The reason it has taken off with such energy is that it promises dieters that they can eat whatever they want and still watch the pounds dropping away. While it had been exclusive to the U.K. for the start of its existence, this program has now entered into the United States.
Oct 27, 2022 | Mixed/Balanced Diets
The Six Pack Diet Plan is one of the most popular weight loss strategies of 2017 and it has been growing in the number of its followers over quite a while. The goal of the plan is to achieve those ever-so desirable six-pack abs, also known as washboard abs. For many people around the world, particularly men, achieving this body appearance is quite the status symbol.
Oct 27, 2022 | Mixed/Balanced Diets
The Fast Metabolism Diet: Eat More Food and Lose More Weight is a book written by Haylie Pomroy and Eve Adamson and that describes a weight loss strategy. This diet program is meant to help people to be able to shed the extra fat without having to suffer from constant hunger. In fact, it is designed to teach people to eat as much as they want in terms of quantity, without harming their weight management as they will be able to make smarter choices.
Oct 27, 2022 | Mixed/Balanced Diets
Love Me Slender: How Smart Couples Team Up to Lose Weight, Exercise More, and Stay Healthy Together is the title of a book designed to help couples to improve their diet and fitness together. This book was written by Thomas N. Bradbury, PhD and Benjamin R. Karney, PhD. It was published based on research conducted with the participation of 1,000 married couples.
Oct 27, 2022 | Mixed/Balanced Diets
The Ultimate Volumetrics Diet: Smart, Simple, Science-Based Strategies for Losing Weight and Keeping it Off is a book written by Barbara Rolls PhD and Mindy Hermann. It promises readers that they will be able to keep their hunger control, drop the extra pounds and stop them from returning.