Review: The T-Factor Diet

by | Oct 24, 2022 | Macronutrient Diets | 0 comments

The T-Factor Diet is a weight loss program that was first launched in 1989 when Martin Katahn published his first book with that title. This type of dieting became the base for a large number of programs that were used at that time. The book contained a number of food plans that are fairly typical in their design. The primary goal of the strategy is to encourage dieters to reduce the amount of fat that they eat in their meals and snacks.

What is the The T-Factor Diet?

The book also goes on to encourage dieters to take part in a higher level of fat burning exercises that include activities such as swimming or walking, as well as higher intensity aerobics. According to the author, by doing this, it will help the dieter to be able to burn through the carbs that have been eaten. He said that these exercises burn more carbs than fats, so by reducing fats and combining the consumption of carbs with these workouts, it will help to work through all of the calories so that stored body fats will be burned off.

The T-Factor Diet book also offers dieters recipes that suit the diet plans, as well as a fat and fiber counter table and a range of exercise. This book makes a significant effort to provide a complete resource to dieters who are interested in following this type of plan. The main issue is that the counter table is arranged by food categories, making it quite time consuming for dieters to have to look up each different item.

It is clear that this book was written quite a while back, as fats are often not considered to be the “enemy” of dieters, anymore since scientific research has shown that weight loss is more complex than simply cutting the type of macronutrient containing the highest number of calories. Moreover, many counter tools are usually provided online, nowadays. That said, this book is still in print and is still selling, so it is clear that dieters still see the appeal of this kind of strategy for weight loss.

Overall, this book should be considered to be a helpful reference guide as opposed to a strict program, as the design of this type of strategy would make it very difficult for dieters to be able to keep up their motivation levels. The information is quite thorough, though, so it would likely be quite a good complement to other types of similar diet program that have been published more recently.


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