Review: Mastering Leptin

Review: Mastering Leptin

Mastering Leptin is the name of a book that was co-authored by Byron J. Richards (CCN), and Mary Guignon Richards. The lead author is a certified clinical nutritionist, has been called a health expert who has more than two decades of experience in the medical field. The second author, on the other hand, is a Women’s Health Educator and has been a proponent of the responsibility that consumers have to take ownership and control over their own health.


Review: Dr Fuhrman’s Eat To Live

Review: Dr Fuhrman’s Eat To Live

Dr Fuhrman’s Eat to Live program is based on a book that was written by a man named Dr. Joel Fuhrman. The instructions provided within its pages are meant to help to show a dieter how to lose weight in a healthful way in order to then maintain a healthier lifestyle over the long term. This doctor has written a number of different self-help books that are geared toward a range of different target markets.


Review: The Master Cleanse

Review: The Master Cleanse

The Master Cleanse is a short-term cleansing weight loss diet that also goes by the name “The Lemonade Diet”. This strategy permits only liquids throughout the length of the diet and is meant to function as a detoxification process for the body in order to kick off a new diet or jumpstart one that is already in progress.


Review: Waist Away

Review: Waist Away

Waist Away is a type of diet program that is made up of three different parts in order to help people who are trying to drop the pounds to be able to do so at a faster rate than is possible if their efforts are unassisted. The three different parts of this program are made up of: diet (eating), supplementation, and fat loss.


Review: The Full Diet

Review: The Full Diet

The Full Diet is a program that is designed to help people to be able to lose weight. It is based on the guidance provided by a book written by Dr. Michael Snyder, a weight loss surgeon. This diet plan doesn’t require a dieter to have to count calories or eliminate certain types or specific foods. Instead, it is geared toward teaching dieters to understand how to achieve a feeling of fullness while still eating less food. This is done by teaching dieters to better understand the way that hunger occurs within their bodies, and how to select the proper foods to eat.


Review: Slow Carb Diet

Review: Slow Carb Diet

The Slow Carb Diet is a type of program for losing weight that was originally created by Tim Ferriss, who is also the author of a plan called the 4-Hour Body. In fact, that second book outlines the plan for the Slow Carb Diet.


Review: Mind Gym

Review: Mind Gym

The weight loss book called “Mind Gym” was written by authors Gary Mack and David Casstevens. This book concentrates on the idea that one of the primary answers to weight loss and other health and wellness success has to do with the state of the mind. Everything from illness to pain and even a proper activity level has to do with achieving the proper level of mental focus. The goal of Mind Gym is to help to ensure that an individual will be able to use his or her mind to the best possible degree in order to achieve the results that he or she wants in the gym.


Review: Purple Diet

Review: Purple Diet

The Purple Diet is a program that is also known as the Hollywood Diet or the 48 Hour Miracle Diet, among other names. Essentially, it is a juice diet program that claims that a dieter will be able to drop a whopping 10 pounds within a period of only 48 hours.


Review: The Hamptons Diet

Review: The Hamptons Diet

The Hamptons Diet is the creation of Dr. Fred Pescatore. It involves the use of both a book and a cookbook in order to educate dieters in the ways that he feels are best for weight loss, as well as to give them a head start when it comes to selecting and preparing the right meals. Despite the fact that there is a website for the Hamptons Diet, there isn’t all that much information there in terms of description and details for the program. Instead, it is focused primarily on selling the book.


Review: Great Shape

Review: Great Shape

Great Shape is a weight loss guide book that is designed not to dictate how people should eat as much as it focuses on fitness as a whole. It is meant to help people who are overweight or obese to be able to get in shape. It was written by Pat Lyons, who makes it clear that the majority of people who want to lose weight are not already fit and thin. That said, nearly every fitness video on the market star people who are both of those things. This book is geared toward people who have not already reached their optimal size or fitness level, but who would like to achieve a healthier body.
