Review: Park Avenue Diet
The Park Avenue Diet is a type of weight loss plan that uses a very low number of calories over a short period of time in order to try to drop the pounds very quickly. This strategy was developed by Dr. Stuart Fischer.
The Park Avenue Diet is a type of weight loss plan that uses a very low number of calories over a short period of time in order to try to drop the pounds very quickly. This strategy was developed by Dr. Stuart Fischer.
Wheat Belly is a type of weight loss strategy that was first created by a cardiologist named William Davis, M.D., who wrote the book entitled with the name of the diet. Throughout its pages, this book goes on to describe Davis’s own struggle with excess weight. He claims to have carried 30 pounds too much of fat around his middle. During that time, he noticed that after he consumed foods containing wheat, his energy levels would droop.
The Dolce Diet is a weight loss program that is based on a book that was written by Mike Dolce. The book was entitled “The Dolce Diet: Living Lean”. The author is a dieting and nutrition expert who has guided some of the most famous athletes worldwide. The book has received a considerable amount of attention and provides its readers with concepts, recipes, and workouts that he had previously shared only with the athletes who had hired him.
The Rice Diet is a lifestyle diet program that has been around for nearly a century. It was first developed back in 1939. However, it wasn’t until 2006 that it gained any real level of popularity. It was at that time that “The Rice Diet Solution” book was published.
The 5-Factor diet is a type of lifestyle based weight loss strategy that works along with a book that was published by Harley Pasternak, a celebrity fitness trainer. It is a program that is designed to help dieters to overcome feelings of hunger and wanting to overeat, because it involves the consumption of five meals per day.
The “I Can Do This Diet” is the creation of Dr. Don Colbert, who wrote the book under that title. It is currently available in hardcover, paperback, and audio formats. It was designed based on the results of a survey that was conducted online. The purpose of the survey was to discover why dieters seem to get off to a great start but then begin to cheat on their diets after the first weight loss results start being seen.
The Enzyme Diet is an altered form of the VLCD (very low calorie diet) that was originally developed by Dr. Charles Jenkins, Chef John Bartilomo, Dr. John Sklare, and Jennifer Ferniza. The concept behind this weight loss strategy is to be able to drop the excess pounds by using special branded meal replacement shakes instead of eating two of the traditional meals throughout the day.
The Baby Food Diet is a weight loss strategy that is exactly what it appears to be. It is a type of diet that has adults eating baby foods in the hopes of losing weight more effectively than would be possible through traditional dieting methods. This is something that has been around for decades, but that became exceptionally popular when it was adopted in a new form by celebrity fitness trainer, Tracy Anderson.
Dr. Gundry’s Diet Evolution is a weight loss book that was authored by Dr. Steven R. Gundry, M.D., a Yale University graduate, as well as a graduate of the Georgia Alpha Omega Alpha Medical College. His residencies were completed at the University of Michigan in Thoracic and General Surgeries and then moved on to the National Institutes of Health, where he worked as a clinical associate.
The T-Factor Diet is a weight loss program that was first launched in 1989 when Martin Katahn published his first book with that title. This type of dieting became the base for a large number of programs that were used at that time. The book contained a number of food plans that are fairly typical in their design. The primary goal of the strategy is to encourage dieters to reduce the amount of fat that they eat in their meals and snacks.